We recently found out that one of the members in our CrossFit Zionsville community, Jhonny Pasten, was diagnosed with cancer for the second time in two years at age 23. We have set up a GoFundMe account for those who are willing and able to donate to help him with medical bills and any other needs he may have during his recovery.
Please take a moment to read his story. The link to support is below!
Jhonny’s Story

Hello everyone! My story with cancer began when I was 23 years old. Went to the doctor and got some tests done. By the end of it, I was diagnosed with testicular cancer. I took the news head-on and kept a positive attitude for myself and my loved ones. I ended up having surgery to remove the tumor in my testicle. Recovery was great And the doctor told me that there was no need for any chemo treatment due to Finding this early. After that The next two years I lived my normal life, enjoying time with friends and family.

Then just about a month ago, I was having trouble digesting food to the point that I had to go to the ER. While at the ER they ran a CT scan where they found a 16 cm tumor that was obstructing my lower intestine. I Could not eat or drink. I was transferred to IU Health cancer center downtown where I would begin my first round of chemotherapy. I spent two weeks there only able to eat ice chips and I had a tube that was draining my stomach. Finally, after my first round of chemo, I was able to start a clear liquid diet.

Fast forward to now, I’ve been home for about a week, things are looking promising and I’m able to eat a little bit more! I will have my second round of chemo this Friday and will be staying at the hospital for the remainder of my second round of chemo. Thank you To anyone reading this and for the support of my friends and family. I’m in high Spirits and I will not let the situation get the most out of me, rather I will make the most out of the situation and make it great.


Workouts will not be posted this week.

Monday – Run and Deadlifts
Tuesday – push press and pullups
Wednesday – Hang cleans, situps and Double unders
Thursday – Wallball and calorie Row
Friday – open gym – bench press option
Saturday – partner WOD, Cal bike and Thrusters