What are you getting for your Valentine this year?
🍫 Chocolate? That’s a lot of sugar.
💐 Flowers? Those never last long.
🍽 Expensive Dinner Date? Gotta save up for that new pair of Nanos!
Here is an idea! Join us for a little #FitandTell and bring your Valentine to the gym for a safe, fun, and effective workout.
On Saturday 2/13, we are hosting a “Bring a Mate” Swolemate workout for you and a partner to come in and tackle a workout so that we can all fitness #BetterTogether.


Open Gym

Please take a min to leave us a google review

Reminder – Tomorrow, Saturday 2.13 is our Swole Mate partner WOD. Bring a Friend and come in for some fun! and pease remember to RSVP

– Optional WORKOUT
30 DB Devil’s Push Press* (50/35)

*1 Devil’s Press + 1 Push Press = 1 Rep
-8:00 Hard Cap-